
Report no. 17/2016

Conclusion of a significant contract in the subsidiary of the Issuer- Zdrowie sp. z o.o. in Kwidzyń

Pursuant to § 38 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19th  February 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and conditions of deeming information required by the regulations of a non-member country equal, the Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. informs about receiving on  16th February 2016 contracts with the National Health Fund - the Pomorskie Voivodeship Branch in Gdańsk (the Fund Branch) regarding healthcare services such as: inpatient care, outpatient specialist care, outpatient specialist care –cost-consuming outpatient diagnostic services , emergency medical services, primary health care-medical transport and primary health care-night and holiday health care for the period 1st January to 31st June 2016. Healthcare services referred to in the said contracts are provided by the hospital managed by the subsidiary of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A.- Zdrowie sp. z o.o. in Kwidzyń.

The Issuer informed about the contract and annexes  concluded with the Fund  Branch concerning  healthcare services provided by the hospital managed  by Zdrowie sp. z o.o. in Kwidzyń in 2015 in its current reports nos. 20/2015 of 11.02.2015, 20/2015-Adjustment of 22.05.2015, 46/2015 of 22.05.201, 56/2015 of 21.07.2015 and 62/2015 of 2.09.2015, 68/2015 of 5.10.2015, 76/2015 of 9.11.2015 and 87/2015 of 3.12.2015.The contract for the providing  health care services such as hospital treatment, marked as  11/000840/SZP/11/16 is the contract with the highest value. The Parties to the contract are Zdrowie sp. z o.o. - the subsidiary  of the Issuer and the National Health Fund-  the Pomorskie  Voivodeship Branch in Gdańsk  (the Fund Branch).The maximum amount of Fund Branch liability towards the Issuer in the period from 1st  January  to 31stJune 2016, as specified in the contract, totals  PLN 11,450,682.56 Zdrowie sp. z o.o - the subsidiary of the Issuer  undertakes, within the duration of the contract, to conclude a civil liability insurance contract against damages caused in relation to the provision of services. In the case of non-performance or improper performance of the contract, caused by the Company, the Director of the Fund Branch may impose a contractual penalty.

The contract has been concluded for the period 1st  January to 31st  June 2016 with a possibility of its termination by each party upon a 3-month termination notice. The total Fund Branch liability towards the subsidiary  of the Issuer for health care services rendered by the Hospital administered by Zdrowie Sp. z o.o.  for the period 1st January to 31st June 2016 amounts to PLN 15,046,900.18. A criterion for a contract to be considered significant: The value of contracts exceeds 10% of the Issuer’s equity capital.