
Report no. 35/2016

Submitting a legally binding offer for the lease of shares in Strzelińskie Centrum Medyczne sp. z o.o.

Submitting a legally binding offer for the lease of shares in Strzelińskie Centrum Medyczne sp. z o.o.

Pursuant to Art. 56 (1) (1) of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies the Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. informs that a legally binding offer for  the lease of shares  Strzelin District  (‘District’ ) held in Strzelińskie Centrum Medyczne sp z o.o. seated in Strzelin (‘SCM’) was submitted on June 24th 2016.

The subject of the offer is lease of 357 959 (in words: three hundred and  fifty-seven thousand nine hundred  and fifty-nine) shares with a nominal value of PLN 50 (in words: fifty zloty) each,  which constitutes 100% of the share capital of SCM, with a total value of PLN 17,897,950 ( in words: seventeen million eight hundred ad ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty ) that entitle to 100% votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of SCM in return for a monthly lease fee  that amounts to PLN 8610.00 (in words: eight thousand six hundred and ten thousand) gross, to be indexed each year according to an annual average consumer price index, as published by the General Statistical Office, by 100%  increase in the indicator.

In the submitted offer, the Issuer undertakes to make investments for the SCM, in any form permitted by law, which shall total PLN 4 775 000.00 gross (in words: four millions seven hundred seventy-five thousand gross)  in a period of up to two years from the date of signing the lease agreement.

The offer  shall remain binding for 180 days.