
Report no. 102/2011

Approval of the prospectus of Series G shares

The Management Board of EMC Medical Institute SA hands over a correction of current report no. 102/2011 of 5 October 2011. The report on the approval of the prospectus mistakenly stated that the prospectus would be published that day, while according to the FSC message it would take place on 7 October 2011.

The prospectus will be published  electronically  today at:

• Issuer - www.emc-sa.pl
• and BOS SA Brokerage House - www.bossa.pl.

The prospectus will be published electronically on 7 October 2011, at:

• Issuer - www.emc-sa.pl
• and BOS SA Brokerage House - www.bossa.pl.

Below is the correct contents of the current report:

The Management Board of EMC Medical Institute SA announces that today it was notified by the Financial Supervision Authority about the decision made on 5 October 2011 to approve the Company's prospectus, prepared in connection with the intention of applying for admission and introduction to trading on the Stock Exchange the Warsaw Stock Exchange ("WSE"):

• from 1 to 1,189,602 ordinary bearer Series G shares
• from 1 to 1,189,602 rights to  Series G shares,
• pre-emptive rights and 7,137,612  Series G shares

and it is the only legally binding document containing information about the Company and its shares.
The prospectus will be published  electronically  on 7 October 2011, at:

• Issuer - www.emc-sa.pl
• and BOS SA Brokerage House - www.bossa.pl.

The Management Board of EMC Medical Institute SA announces that today it was notified by the Financial Supervision Authority about the decision made on 5 October 2011 to approve the Company's prospectus, prepared in connection with the intention of applying for admission and introduction to trading on the Stock Exchange the Warsaw Stock Exchange ("WSE"):

• from 1 to 1,189,602 ordinary bearer Series G shares
• from 1 to 1,189,602 rights to  Series G shares,
• pre-emptive rights and 7,137,612  Series G shares

And it is the only legally binding document containing information about the Company and its shares.
The prospectus will be published  electronically today at:
• Issuer - www.emc-sa.pl
• and BOS SA Brokerage House - www.bossa.pl.